Thursday, October 17, 2024

October prompts ~ learning about myself


I realize that after retiring, I have a lot more time to recollect and think about things. I mean, before, there might have been a few minutes here and there, but nothing like having a clear schedule to boggle the mind with thoughts. In fact, sometimes I look for stuff to do.  

There is always something that needs tidied up, a bill paid, a shelf dusted, laundry to tend.  But, of course, I spend a lot of my 'down' time crocheting, when away from domestic duties.  

In recent months I think I've learned something about myself.  Maybe I'm a little OCD about certain things. When I was very ill this last February and March -- pretty much confined to the recliner -- I would look up on the shelves and be repulsed by the dust.  I wanted to get up and clean it but literally didn't have the strength to walk across the room, let alone get out of the chair without help ----- or dust the shelf! I literally couldn't understand why it wasn't bothering anyone else! Hahaha.

But it bugged me none-the-less! It shouldn't have mattered.  My husband even told my son that he didn't know I was such a picky and particular person.  (I'd tell him the soup wasn't warm enough, the toast was too dark).  I didn't realize I was looking ungrateful.  I appreciated all his efforts. He was there for me 24/7.  Cook, chauffeur, personal shopper, housekeeper, everthing!

Then it struck me, maybe I am picky! Being the first time I'd really ever had to rely on someone else for literally everything, I didn't realize I was coming off as complaining.  Before, I could take care of things to my own liking! During those months I was at the mercy of others. I guess I wasn't the best patient.  

Of course, now I'm back to caring for myself, my husband, my home.  Things are back to normal, so to speak.  But I am learning that I'm not quite as meek and humble as I should be in all circumstances!  Learning hard truths can sting a little.  But they should always make us grow and strive to be better.  

Until next time, friends.  Grateful and blessed.  kellie   


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

October Prompts ~ Gratitude


I haven't done a gratitude post in a very long time ---- and well, it's time to change that. 

Today, I am grateful for:

* My baby grandson's open-heart surgery being done today.  The doctors are very hopeful that all went well.  Continued prayers for his healing and improvement!

* That beautiful, cooler fall weather has finally fallen!

* The friendship of my sisters; our relationships and gatherings celebrating our bonds and love with one another.  We are all so different and yet, we compliment and support each other's strengths.  

* The grands that live next door spending some fun after-school quality time with Papa and Grammi.  They wanted hot cocoa, I was out.  Didn't have any cookies (or fruit!).  We fed them dinner, but it was Braums burgers, chips and water.  So, I wouldn't say I was completely equipped today, but I know what I need in order to arm myself more properly next time.  haaaaha.  I really don't think anyone cared what was lacking. 

* Just this minute turning on the heat for the first time this season --- ahhh.  My hands are finally thawing out. 

* All my health problems of this year being properly taken care of; and the healing taking over.  This has literally been the scariest year of my life as far as my own health goes. 

* The USMC Ball coming up in a couple of weeks - and being invited to attend with our son. 
I'll have the chicken.  I'll always have the chicken. 

Until next time, friends.  Don't forget to be grateful for every little thing.  Love you! kellie   

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

October prompts ~ someone I miss


    Every year about this time, I get a little melancholy.  My birthday is fast approaching.  As the years fly by, that chasm of separation from loved ones who've passed on only grows. And I can't help but think about and miss the two who helped me come into being. Mama and Daddy.  
    But over the years, I've lost grandmothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends. More recently, we've lost siblings.  A sister and a brother.  Tommy as well, two brothers and a sister. We miss them all.  
    I've also lost dear, dear friends.  Friends who were as close to being family as you can get without the blood relation.  Some through illness, some through tragedy.  But the loss is still piercing to the heart, no matter the circumstances.  
    I also miss those who are still alive, 
but live away from us in different states.  My daughters, their husbands, their children.  They are all a part of our lives, but we don't see them regularly.  And I miss that. They're not part of the gatherings and cookouts --OR THE IMPORTANT SIMPLE MOMENTS that make up every-day happenings within our circle. 
    Life is hard, and when it is our time, each and every one of us will leave this earth. I strive every day to be a good wife, a good mother, a good sister, a good friend ---so hopefully I will be missed when I'm gone.  But more over I want my soul to be prayed for when I'm gone. 
    Life is also a joy.  Our journey here through this world is unscripted and we don't know the ending.  But it is up to us to decide-- each and every day-- where we will spend eternity.  
    Wishing you peace and joy today, even through your trials.  Dear readers, live today as though it could be your last.  Because, one day, friends, it will be.  Love to all ~ kellie   


Monday, October 14, 2024

October prompts ~ my 'style'


Today's 'prompt' is style.  I don't have a clue if they're talking about clothing or home decor preferences; so let's explore both.

Clothing:  I'm kind of a frump, meaning very short and on the wide side.  I can try to wear some capris and they look like long pants on me.  I can wear a longer top, and it could be someone's mini dress.  But basically I wear mid-calf to below the knee skirts and dresses, with a modest neckline blouse and some type of sleeve.  In the summer I'll wear long shorts and t-shirts.  I practically always wear tennis shoes, except at Mass. That's it.  Let's move on.

Decor vibe:  We live in a house that is 116 years old, built in 1908.  It has its own charm and eccentricities.  (kind of an understatement) I love old stuff.  So I love the lamps that look like they're from the 50s and 60s.  I have lace panels in the living room windows under the curtains.  I DO CURTAINS! I know these days people prefer shades or blinds, or 'window treatments'.  

Prominent colors you'll see in my home are: rust, teal, grey, warm colors of fall.  And they stay there all year round. But my bathroom is pink!  It's called blush but it's pink.  If I see something I like thrifting, I'll incorporate it into what's already here.  I have never 'redecorated' an entire room at one time.  

The important thing is our home is welcoming and inviting (I hope).  When you walk in, you don't ask what religion I am because that's pretty apparent immediately.  And I know that's not everyone's style, but that's ok.  It's mine.  We have a place where you can walk in, kick your shoes off (if you want to) and sit comfortably (or lay on the couch if you want). Throw blankets (yes, many of them home-made) are abundant and are there to be used for your comfort. 


I hope you have all the comforts of home today, and that's it's a place you love coming back to. Praying hard for all those victims of the recent hurricanes who've lost their homes.  God bless you.

Until next time, friends.  Take care. kellie 


Sunday, October 13, 2024

October Prompts ~ memories of days gone by

This is a poem I wrote in 2011 and dedicated to all my children.  I found this looking through Until Anthony Comes Home, my first blog the year Anthony deployed. 

October is always a special time in that he came home that month.  I'll be forever grateful to God in His great mercy.  

 No One Can Go There for You

*No one can go there for you;

Your path of life is yours alone.

But I know this much to be true;

That in the end, it brings you home.

*No one can take the place where you should be;

Where God puts you every day.

But through His Love, the way we see;

His grace is there to show the way.

*Other can encourage;

Help and prod us on.

Be our inspiration;

Help us to be strong.

*I cannot carry your burdens;

Nor can you carry mine. 

But together, we can help each other;

Or to another, be a sign.

*God uses each of us each day;

To spread His Word of Love.

It might just be what another needs;

to find help from above.

*No one can go there for you;

Our path of life is ours alone.

But we know this much to be true;

That in the end it brings us home. 

Until next time, my friends.  May you carry within you the Peace of Christ, kellie 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

October prompts ~ I can see clearly now


Looking out the window as the morning light floods in, it just looked off.  Fingerprints, wet nose and paw prints! The dirty window clouds the glass to the point, the sun can't do its thing: light up the room.  

This might sound way too simple for some, but hey, I'm a simple woman.  The sun is like Jesus.  He is the light of the world after all.  I am like the glass.  There are days, the only example a person might see of the goodness of God is in my actions and words.  That's how powerful we each are. 

The room I want to fill with light are the people I come into contact with each and every day. If that glass (ME)is cloudy (needing to work on myself; that could be confession or an increased prayer life, etc.) that room can't see the light (so to speak), at least through me.  

I'm trying very hard to keep that glass clean and clear, so that the Light of Christ can be seen through me.  I know, I know.  Some light still passes through even when the 'glass' isn't clear.  We are imperfect beings striving for perfection......... in a world bombarding us with imperfections.  

We can help others to see the light of love, grace, happiness, maybe even answers.  Not that we ourselves are the light, but we must let Him shine through us. Someday, our glass will leave the world.  But hopefully others will remember the beauty they saw through it, and it brings them peace. 

Until next time, friends, Let the Light in, help others see it through you in what is sometimes a very dark world. I wish you peace, and Light today! kellie     

Friday, October 11, 2024

Lord hear our prayer

 Just sitting out on the porch, in the wicker rocking chair I love. The one with the nice, thick cushion in the seat.  The sun is almost gone for the day. I'm out here listening to cars driving by, planes ✈ flying over, the last of the birds chirping; feeling that evening breeze.  Praying hard for my family and loved ones. 

Everyone is carrying a burden of one kind or another. Some heavier than others.  But when they hurt, Mama hurts. It doesn't change one bit when they get older. In fact, their burdens seem heavier the older they get.  And you feel them all.

Like Mary at the foot of the cross, if you can't take their pain away then let me suffer with them. Once a Mama, always and forever a Mama. 

Just give them all strength, Lord, and peace, and the knowledge that they are not alone. You are with them. You have them all in the palm of Your Hands. Let them rest tonight knowing you are their God and will not leave their side.  This is my prayer for them tonight. 

Let us always praise Your most Holy name. The Name above all other names.  Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Til next time, friends. Prayerfully, kellie 🙏

October prompts: siblings


My siblings.  Best Friends.  This is from sometime in the later 70s.
Here we are in 2021.  Sadly, our brother (the oldest) and our older sister have both passed on, but live forever in our hearts. 

This picture is from sometime in the mid to late 70s.  The 6 girls with our mama. 

We girls started a tradition in February 1996 to have dinner every 3rd Tuesday of the month. We call it our sister night dinner.  Oh my gosh, this would make a fantastic chick flick, us through the years. The ups and downs of life with kids, husbands, each other and everything in between. I'd go see it!  

It's still going on 28 years later!  We've had a few bumps in the road, be it illnesses, weather events, etc. But everyone makes every effort possible to be there. 

My motto has always been:  The greatest gift Mama ever gave us was the gift of each other!  

Until next time my friends, take care of yourself ---- and each other.  Love, kellie   

Thursday, October 10, 2024

October prompts: Friends

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.   Proverbs 17:17  

Friendship is such a special gift.  One day you meet this stranger, and the next thing you know, you're no longer strangers, but besties.  

I like to think our friends are extra siblings we got to choose!  😊 (I mean that in the nicest possible way, sisters.)  

I have been blessed with many special friends throughout the years, and have lost them way too soon.  May they rest in eternal peace.

Currently, I don't know what I'd do without my 2 besties.  In fact, I've spoken to them both within the last hour updating them on Kastl's surgery.  As I type this, he is in surgery.  I'm glad to have the distraction at the moment, popping on here to post for today.

I've had these two wonderful friends in my life for quite some time now, and pray we have many more years together.  

Until next time, friends.  Take care of yourselves.  kellie   


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

October Prompts: Prayers for a grandson


Good afternoon, dear readers. Today's post is just going to be a humble request for prayer for our newborn grandson.  Tomorrow, a few days shy of being 3 weeks old, he will be having open heart surgery to repair some heart abnormalities that developed in utero.  

I am a woman of deep faith; and believe in prayer and the power of trusting in God's Divine Providence. 

The surgery is scheduled for 8 a.m. tomorrow morning, and the family would appreciate any prayers you could offer for him during this time.  God bless you in your charity.  

His name is Kastl. 

Til next time, dear friends.  Prayerfully,

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

October prompts ~ the power of music


               Tommy and I dancing to theme song of Mannequin at our 40th wedding anniversary party. 

Happy Tuesday everyone.  I hope your week is going well.  Today's prompt is interesting to me.  I love music.  I don't play an instrument, but wish I did!  Music is such an integral part of our lives, isn't it?  And if you're like me, you have a few genres from which you draw for your listening pleasure, depending on mood or surrounding circumstances.  

I mean, I wouldn't be playing Beethoven at a Halloween party or a BBQ, right!?  There is a specific sound to which I enjoy dancing.  Mainly 70s, 80s and 90s soft rock sounds.  If you know me, you know who my favorite band isIn case you don't, it's the Bee Gees.  I've listened to them since the 70s.  My first band though, was CCR, Credence Clearwater Revival.  Oh! that sound to 14/15 year-old me was electric!  Then, there was America (anybody remember them, Horse with no name, Ventura Highway, Sister Golden Hair?).   Neil Diamond, Celine Dion, Chicago, Lobo.  More recently, I've been listening to Phil Collins, Back Street Boys, Ed Sheeran, Louis Capaldi. 

Ahhh, but the true love of my life (musically) is Gregorian Chant!  At two parishes I have led a women's schola (choir) for many years.  I came across a Chant CD in the 80's and I have been HOOKED ON IT EVER SINCE.
I mean, the music is heavenly --- literally!!  Gregorian chant dates back from the 9th century.  So, it's been around- and is not going anywhere any time soon.  

I don't know Latin (per se), nor do I read music, but that doesn't hinder one's ability to sing it.  After some basic training on how to read (and pronounce) the Latin, understanding the musical notations, and some practice - anyone can do it.  If I can do it (can't read music!), anyone can do it............with minimal singing abilities. (can you carry a tune?) 

Listening to chant is such a surreal and calming experience.  If you've never heard it, give it a try.  On you-tube, just search Gregorian Chant and BOOM! There it is!  

I'd say all music has its place. Music, like any art can move us and make us feel emotions immediately.  Often, just hearing notes of a certain song can take us back to a time or place of joy or even pain.  It can make us miss someone.  Or remember a special memory.  Music hardly ever makes me feel angry!  (There are certain genres I absolutely do not listen to i.e. extremely hard rock or heavy metal - they'd probably make me feel very angry!)

I'm on sabbatical from leading the schola right now.  After finding cancer in my thyroid, both sides were removed.   Needless to say, my voice hasn't come back.  It might not ever.  But I can still listen to that beautiful chant, which is also prayer by the way!  Chant not only lifts our voices to God, but also lifts our hearts to Him in prayer.  

It is said, "he who sings, prays twice."

Until next time~ all the best.  kellie 

Monday, October 7, 2024

Oct Prompts - All is grace

 Today's topic didn't interest me, so it's a free-to-choose day (my rules).  It's going to be a 'journal' entry similar to one of my older blogs, and one I borrowed from a friend's blog I used to read regularly.

What I'm wearing:  Khaki shorts and a light-weight blouse.  Even though it's Oct 7, it still feels a little 'summery' in these parts.  

What I'm currently reading: Every day, reading from Father Ripperger's Deliverance Prayers, and my own personal (put together) notebook of daily prayers and intentions.  I'm in a season right now I'm spending a lot more time in praying than reading for my own entertainment. 

Listening to: at this moment I only hear the chittering and twittering of my parakeets.

What's cooking:  I don't always completely plan ahead for the week, but I do plan to make enchiladas and chili this week.  They are both a family favorite.  The enchilada recipe is based on one from my husband's family - tweaked a bit to my own liking.  And the chili I have made forever.  We saw fritos on sale yesterday and I knew we had to have chili this week. 

Prayer intentions: prayers being poured out in a BIG-BIG way for Tommy, all my children and their intentions, the newborn grandson who is having open heart surgery on Thursday, all the sick and suffering both in body and spirit, the souls in Purgatory - most especially those who are forgotten and have no one praying for them due to passage of time or neglect of those living. For our country, our upcoming elections.  Gratitude for my improving health daily after two surgeries this summer.  Everything.  Just every little thing.  Life is hard.  We can't make it without Him. 

Current project(s):  I'm a crocheter and just started a gift for a winter wedding coming up right after New Year's.  I had started a knitting project but put it aside for the time being to start on the other.  I really don't do well with more than one WIP going at the same time.  (WIP = crochet language for 'work in progress')  See! Now you speak a little crochet.  :)

What I did recently:  Painted both my front and back doors a beautiful shade of light teal (tree swallow).  Made new curtains for my 3 kitchen windows. (2 windows and the door).  And the highlight of my summer:  Went to Branson with two of my friends and we saw BACK TO THE BEE GEES, a tribute band.  

They are all so talented, and do a great show.  Yea, I'm always the shortest person in the room...........

Oh and the resort we stayed at was really, really nice.   

Well, that's probably enough for now.  I have dishes to wash and haven't even had my coffee yet this morning.  

Please keep baby Kastl in your prayers for his upcoming surgery and healing.  Sweet baby Kastl.  

Til next time, my friends; peace be to you. kellie

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Oct Prompts: Happy wife, happy life


Today's prompt was happy single life --- HAAAA.
Well, I wouldn't know anything about that subject.  And, seeing how this is my blog, my rules, I can mix things up any time I want! 
Here's a little rundown of how things went:

* Dated 4 years before we got married. 

* I planned and executed my own wedding details and paid for stuff little by little with my paychecks for several months.  While it was a beautiful ceremony and reception, the meal was a pot- luck.  Everyone who came brought something.  I know that makes a lot of people cringe hearing that!  And we had to be out of the church basement (hall) by 11 p.m.  While the men wore rented tuxedos, I made my own and my attendants' dresses, even the flower girl's.  Special indeed. 

* We have five children, 2 girls, 3 boys.

* We have 20 grandchildren, 2 currently on the way. 

* We worked TOGETHER in our careers for 43 years, running our own business.  I was the office and business end/ he was the manpower. And we're still together!  haha (trying to keep this light)

* In 2003, we renewed our wedding vows in a traditional Latin Mass, followed by dinner and dance.  This time we provided the full meal: spaghetti dinner with salads, breads and dessert. 

* We've lived in a total of 5 homes together, with the majority of that time spent on the property where we live now. 

* We celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary several years ago with, yes, another party!  This one, we went ALL OUT, rented a venue, hired entertainment and everything. Fancy.  While we provided the meats, everything else was from the guests.  A semi-pot-luck!  That was a special night to remember.  All of our children were there, except our oldest, who was away on a job.  Good times were had.  
* We're still a handful of years away from 50th, and yes there will be a celebration, God willing. 

* 3 years ago, we entered retirement life -------- and never looked back!  Grateful we had an amazing job all those years where we could raise our family and provide for them, but enough is enough, you know??

* In 2022 we attended quite a "fancy soiree" event and had to dress up big time.  The United States Marine Corps Ball.  That was so fun!  

Well, I didn't mean to make this so long, but that's pretty much it in a nutshell.  I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, friends.

Until next time, Peace.  kellie 

Saturday, October 5, 2024

October prompts, Day 5- My parents


What can a person say to those who first loved you, cared for you, gave you a childhood that you felt was blessed and graced with joy and happiness?  

I didn't know it, but we were a lower to mid - income family.  I thought we were rich beyond measure because love was always there in such abundance.  We had food, clothing, a home.  We never did without.  It was a different time, it seems.  The good old days. 

I miss them beyond words.  This post is bringing up a lot of emotions and memories.  Thank you, Mama and Daddy for all your selfless love, support and guidance.

Thank you, Almighty Father, for giving me to them.  Thank you.  

Until tomorrow, friends.  Take care of each other. kellie

Friday, October 4, 2024

Day 4 I'd like to visit....

 October prompts:  Day 4 - places I want to visit. 

Well, I messed something up and can't get to my blog dashboard.  So in the meantime, I'll continue here.  Places I would like to visit:

* a beautiful sandy beach at the ocean, palm trees, ocean breeze

* a lighthouse!  

* a cabin in the woods, complete with fireplace or an outdoor fire pit. 

* Lourdes

* Fatima

* river cruise

I'm a pretty simple gal. 


See ya later!  Have a blessed day.  kellie

Thursday, October 3, 2024

October prompts

We've reached October, 2024.  It's been a wild ride this year.  October is my birthday month, and though I'm starting late -- each day I'll be posting from suggested prompts.  

Day 1:  describe your personality

Boy, Oh, Boy!  I am like a diamond (an unpolished one most days), but have many facets.  

I am loyal; friendly; some call me funny - (it's my sister, but hey!); hyper-focused about organizing and keeping home presentable - ok some call it OCD; a devout child of God; a Mama Bear; a happy wife and home-maker; somewhat creative (with crochet); will cook, but only because I HAVE to. I love to have good times with family and friends.  And that is usually going thrifting or just having a plain old BBQ. 
Day 2:  things that make you happy

*Being home, I'm a homebody extraordinaire. 
*Family makes my heart happy and healthy.
*Road trips - short ones these days.
*Friends who want to spend their time with me. 
*tacos - have you ever seen anyone frown while eating a taco??
*everyone enjoying the pool this summer (even though I couldn't so much)
*my psycho Doxie, Lulu
*Tommy telling me stuff that makes him laugh
*beautiful sunsets
*sunlight or moonlight on water
*full moons
*feeding and watching the birds in the back yard. 
Day 3: a memory
Awwwww. One of my best memories ever is going to MCRD for Anthony's bootcamp graduation.  That whole trip was just so great.  The family was altogether, everyone was excited and happy.  
💋 *chef's kiss*

Ok, I'm caught up.  Tune in for a new prompt each day through October.  Til next time.  Love y'all.  Kellie 

October prompts ~ learning about myself

  I realize that after retiring, I have a lot more time to recollect and think about things. I mean, before, there might have been a few min...