Thursday, October 3, 2024

October prompts

We've reached October, 2024.  It's been a wild ride this year.  October is my birthday month, and though I'm starting late -- each day I'll be posting from suggested prompts.  

Day 1:  describe your personality

Boy, Oh, Boy!  I am like a diamond (an unpolished one most days), but have many facets.  

I am loyal; friendly; some call me funny - (it's my sister, but hey!); hyper-focused about organizing and keeping home presentable - ok some call it OCD; a devout child of God; a Mama Bear; a happy wife and home-maker; somewhat creative (with crochet); will cook, but only because I HAVE to. I love to have good times with family and friends.  And that is usually going thrifting or just having a plain old BBQ. 
Day 2:  things that make you happy

*Being home, I'm a homebody extraordinaire. 
*Family makes my heart happy and healthy.
*Road trips - short ones these days.
*Friends who want to spend their time with me. 
*tacos - have you ever seen anyone frown while eating a taco??
*everyone enjoying the pool this summer (even though I couldn't so much)
*my psycho Doxie, Lulu
*Tommy telling me stuff that makes him laugh
*beautiful sunsets
*sunlight or moonlight on water
*full moons
*feeding and watching the birds in the back yard. 
Day 3: a memory
Awwwww. One of my best memories ever is going to MCRD for Anthony's bootcamp graduation.  That whole trip was just so great.  The family was altogether, everyone was excited and happy.  
💋 *chef's kiss*

Ok, I'm caught up.  Tune in for a new prompt each day through October.  Til next time.  Love y'all.  Kellie 

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