Friday, October 11, 2024

October prompts: siblings


My siblings.  Best Friends.  This is from sometime in the later 70s.
Here we are in 2021.  Sadly, our brother (the oldest) and our older sister have both passed on, but live forever in our hearts. 

This picture is from sometime in the mid to late 70s.  The 6 girls with our mama. 

We girls started a tradition in February 1996 to have dinner every 3rd Tuesday of the month. We call it our sister night dinner.  Oh my gosh, this would make a fantastic chick flick, us through the years. The ups and downs of life with kids, husbands, each other and everything in between. I'd go see it!  

It's still going on 28 years later!  We've had a few bumps in the road, be it illnesses, weather events, etc. But everyone makes every effort possible to be there. 

My motto has always been:  The greatest gift Mama ever gave us was the gift of each other!  

Until next time my friends, take care of yourself ---- and each other.  Love, kellie   

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