Monday, August 30, 2021

Falling for Fall all over again...

My favorite time of year is almost here.  I love the cooler temperatures, the journey of the setting sun across the horizon hinting at shorter days ahead.  I love the sweaters, the warm socks, the cocoa and tea in the evening, throws on every chair to curl up and get comfy.  I love the changing leaves, the fall rain and early frost on the lawn.  And of course, pumpkin EVERYTHING!  The colors are breathtaking!

I love the Halloween and fall decorations already being set out at Dollar Tree, and you know they're making room for tinsel and lights to follow close behind.  Memories of fun Halloweens with my kids and their costumes pop into the front of my mind. And actual 'trick or treating'.  Yes, it was a real thing!  My birthday is in October - another year of grace and blessings for which to be grateful!  

But for me it's got to be Thanksgiving that fills my heart with the greatest anticipation and excitement!  I love it most of all!  As a child, we had the most amazing Thanksgivings with family.  Sometimes they were in Missouri, and sometimes at our home.  But they were epic.  At least in my mind that's how I remember them.  They were simple and humble, but filled with the love of family.  The menu was the typical fare you'd expect and always included Mama's homemade egg noodles and "idiot's delight".  I have my own version of a similar side dish called "pink stuff".  It's at every family gathering.  Every. Single. One.  We made an 'orange' version of it this year and it was a real hit!  So pink might have to change to orange for Thanksgiving this year. 

Typically, I tend to get a little nostalgic around this time of year and this year is no exception.  But there's a lot of change that's happened for us recently and I can't help but feel clinging to the familiar is a mechanism of processing through it all.  Oh, the change isn't bad - but different is still different.  Our days are a lot less hectic and a lot more restful - something we've both been needing for a very long time!  And I'm grateful for it all. 

I feel our lives are a little like a tree.  We are created from a seed, we need the proper tending to grow and mature.  We experience the seasons of life.  Each one different from the other, but at our core we bear the marks of past years within us, like the rings of growth on the tree. We weather the storms of life and yes! they sometimes can change us forever. The wind, the rain, the ice and snows of life.  After many years, our exterior shows the season of change.  Hair color, a few more wrinkles, etc.  But even the old tree still bears the wisdom of its lifetime and isn't useless.  Its canopy can shade the young shoots under it from the blazing sun and allow it to grow and mature to some day take the place of the other.  We are still a part of the circle of life that takes place year after year.  

We don't know the length of this life we live, but each day should be treasured as a precious gem, whatever season it may be for us.  Because it is.   May you be blessed, and may you gratefully appreciate the gift that is today. 

Until next time......



Sunday, August 15, 2021

I am who I am

'Embrace it, it's inevitable,' they said.  I never thought the day would come, but it finally did about a year or so ago.  I just got tired of coloring (my hair) and I got tired of how it was really looking 'un-natural' when I did.  

Oh, and I thought I'd hate it when all the 'color' grew out.  But guess what?  I 💓💓💓 it. 
I love it because it is who I am today, and represents the gift that I have been given of still being here on this earth.  

Last year --- and I guess I've been in denial about it --- I almost wasn't.  Here anymore, that is.  And in the last 2 weeks, two gentlemen (both exactly my age) we knew and used to hang out with when our families were younger have passed from this life.  One from a battle with cancer, and one from covid.  Life is such a fragile and precious thing.  Way too precious to worry about fake hair color.

Yes, I finally reached that point that happiness doesn't come from a bottle of hair color.  But not just that.  I'm what you would call a 'woman of size' - and a short one at that (!).  But I'm healthy.  I've tried to change that, but it isn't easy.  I'm not saying I've given up, but it's a lot less a priority than it used to be.  God doesn't love me any less because my hair is turning white, or I buy my clothes from the size above L/XL......

We've just begun a pretty significant life-changing event this month, and there may be even more change in the near future.  But it's all good change!  I'm ready.  Take my life, Lord Jesus, and lead me where You wish me to go.  I will follow.  With my white hair and my XL sized capris, I will follow You.  Always.  

In Christ and Mary's love


October prompts ~ learning about myself

  I realize that after retiring, I have a lot more time to recollect and think about things. I mean, before, there might have been a few min...