Monday, May 24, 2021

Panem nostrum


Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie. 

                                               Give us this day, our daily bread.   

That line stuck me yesterday at Mass. I know that sounds ridiculous.  It isn't the first time I've heard it! I call it Divine inspiration - and of course, it was the great Feast of Pentecost.  I also call it a moment of clarity.  I've been having those lately, thanks be to God.  

It's a reminder to me to not get too far ahead of myself.  I'm a worrier by nature.  My sister and I joke we worry enough for the rest of the family.  If you want something worried about, we'll add it to our list to free up your day!  But all joking aside, worrying gets you no where!  "Pray, hope and don't worry" St. Padre Pio reminds us.  

I have come to the realization that 'daily bread' isn't just the food we eat.  It isn't just that we have food - we need food to live of course.  These words taught to us by our Blessed Lord Himself are reinforcing to us (daily) that He will provide.  In fact, we must remember this is the ONLY prayer Jesus taught us during his ministry to be prayed by all the faithful.  It isn't a very wordy prayer, but is it ever packed with meaning.......every line.  Every. Word.  His Word.  

Our daily bread means that for this very day our thoughts may be peaceful.

Our daily bread means that for this very day our anxieties and fears may be calmed. 

Our daily bread means that for this very day our faith remains strong.

Our daily bread means that for this very day we may manfully endure any discomfort, pain or inconvenience for Jesus's sake.

Our daily bread means that for this very day we may forgive others and ask to be forgiven of our shortcomings. 

Our daily bread means that for this very day we need to feed our intellect and soul with God's holy word and prayer.  

And most importantly, Our daily bread means that when we can, we should receive the Most Blessed Sacrament in Holy Communion.  It is our spiritual food which our souls need for nourishment and grace.  

Being mindful to pray for our daily bread doesn't mean we don't think about tomorrow.  Of course we are mindful always of tomorrow.  But tomorrow isn't  Today we only have this very day.  

Remember, Christian Soul 

Remember, Christian soul, that thou has this day, and every day of thy life: God to glorify.
Jesus to imitate.
A soul to save.
A body to mortify.
Sins to repent of.
Virtues to acquire.
Hell to avoid.
Heaven to gain.
Eternity to prepare for.
Time to profit by.
Neighbors to edify.
The world to despise.
Devils to combat.
Passions to subdue.
Death, perhaps, to suffer.
Judgment to undergo.

This is the day the Lord hath made ~ let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Until next time, Be the Light!  Kellie

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