Sunday, May 9, 2021

I almost missed it .....

It was one of those posts you might just scroll over quickly and miss.  But something brought me back to it.  Not 'something' in fact.  Divine intervention might be more correct.  

             'Pick someone and pray for them for 30 days.' 

Easy peasy, right?  I mean, say a prayer for someone for 30 days and you don't even have to tell them about it.  Just pray.  It sounded like an easy enough suggestion.  So I liked the post and silently committed my decision to do just that. 

But, I'm getting a little ahead of myself for a minute.  Let me explain.  Boy, this is kind of hard.  It's embarrassing.  Ok, just out with it.  Like ripping off the band-aid.  I have a hard time at private prayer sometimes.  There.  It's said. I mean, I'm great when it comes to praying with others, like the rosary with Tommy or at Mass.  But at home at private prayer, sometimes I can't stay focused.  I'm easily distracted and my mind has way too many tabs open at the same time.  Or I'm constantly making lists of tomorrow's demands while trying to prioritize their importance.  

It's probably not just me.  And I don't like this about myself at all.   However, that innocent suggestion couldn't have been more perfectly placed in my path.   Of course I have prayed my entire adult life.  There have been seasons of progress and seasons of regression as well.  But once I had set my mind to praying for a specific person -- and made the commitment for 30 days --it has begun to allow me to focus in a way I haven't been able to for a long time.  

It's almost as if I feel that if I slack off, it isn't fair to my 'person'.  And while it is anonymously, I feel a sense of obligation to the person and to God to finish what I started.  The need----the drive---- to begin the prayers each day is so uplifting and comforting.  And while I originally just planned to say a few memorized prayers, I've begun offering a holy hour for their intentions, bringing in some of my older prayer books, even singing hymns.  

It wasn't too long ago, this problem of distraction was even brought up in confession.  And what Father replied was very encouraging.  He said we all get distracted, even him!  But he also said we are somewhat like the animal tethered to a post.  He might go in circles, but he will never wander off.  In prayer, we might circle the post we're tethered to, but if we keep circling we won't wander too far away.  We'll always return to prayer, our tether.  It might come in dribs and drabbles, but eventually we'll return.  

Who knew a little post on face-book could give me just the incentive I needed to start this journey.  I needed a new perspective, to look at prayer for the complete benefit of someone other than myself and my needs.  I'm grateful for this change of perspective at this particular time.  I look forward to the next few weeks and have a feeling I might just be picking a 2nd person and start it all over again.  Praise God.  

Until next time, Kellie   



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