Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Keep it simple


I went to Goodwill this morning as I often do when I'm in town. I found this sweet teacup and saucer set. I have a few other sets which I originally bought to have tea with my granddaughters when they were in town.  We would make sure and have tea, finger sandwiches and cookies one afternoon during their visit. 

When I saw this pretty little set --it automatically reminded me of my own grandma as well. She always drank coffee out of a pretty cup with a saucer. In fact she would pour her hot coffee into the saucer and sip from it. She was such a lady. That cup brought back a flood of memories.

I have one granddaughter that now lives near me. And four grandsons. The kids often come next door for hot cocoa when the weather turns cool. I always let her drink out of a pretty teacup for her hot 'toto'.  

Then it occurred to me what was in plain sight. For Christmas I'm going to gift her one of my  pretty teacups.  I asked her mama if that was weird, but she replied sweetly "add some tea bags and a small muffin mix and you're good".  

Maybe someday when this granddaughter is all grown up, sitting at her own kitchen table sipping a cup of tea [or toto], she'll still have that cup and she'll remember me. 

Blessings this day, the Feast of St Lucy. 

Until next time, Kellie. ☕☕☕❤❤❤

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