Friday, January 29, 2021

 Terra Dulcis ~ It means 'sweet earth' in Latin.  And it's the name of my home.  Hi!  I'm Kellie and you're visiting my blog.....also known as Terra Dulcis.  It's definitely not perfect, but there's nowhere I'd rather be.  Oh, it has it's eccentricities, for sure.  For instance, don't run the water full blast on the right side of the kitchen sink.  The elbow under the sink on that side pops away with high water pressure.  That mean's I'm gonna be mopping pretty quick.  I've tried to tape it up securely, but I'm not willing to test it quite yet.

Or, I can't do laundry AND run the dishwasher on the same day usually.  We have drainage issues. And I definitely can't do laundry while the little doxie is in the house.  She hates the washer and the vacuum.  She'll pee all over the floor just to get back at me.........

My biggest pet peeve, though----and something that has been a topic of conversation more times than I can count:  our living room is too dark.  Dark. paneled. wood.  I call it my husband's bear den.  Get the idea?  Unfortunately, it sets in the middle of the house as well, so there's no natural light.  I've let it go though. No, really I have.  

We moved here with 4 children in tow, and our youngest was born several years later.  It's the only home he's ever known.  And our only child still at home.  We're not quite empty nesters just yet....but I know it's coming, eventually. 

In 'normal' times, our home has hosted countless holidays, birthdays, baby showers, bbq's, after church pot-lucks, monthly sister night gatherings, pool parties and a barn dance.  We've had a half dozen or so yard sales.  (each and every one was going to be the ABSOLUTE LAST ONE ever)  Oh, did I mention we might have a yard sale this spring?  😆

I have run a small home office from here since 1979.  It used to be a small corner of the living room, but as children went out on their own-- a real honest-to-goodness ROOM dedicated just to the office became a reality.  It's the smallest bedroom in the house and overflowing with shelves, desks and storage, but it's a pretty sweet little work space.  

Well, as I write this, I like every other human being on the planet, am praying to an end to the craziness that has been the last year.  I'm not gonna use the over-used term------eeeeek, but I can't wait until things begin returning to the way things were.  Will they ever?  

Hey, thanks for stopping by.  Hope you have a lovely weekend.  Come back sometime.  


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