Thursday, May 11, 2023

Choose to be happy


Here are a few of the things I have learned over the last 15 months. In that period of time we retired from a very long standing business of over 42 years. About six months later we downsized to a two-bedroom home so that family could move in from out of state. We moved from a home we had been in for almost 30 years. 

They say that changing jobs, or moving are two of the most stressful events a person can experience. And they both brought different feelings. I was more than ready to retire---and had been for a few years before it actually happened.   

To be honest the first 6 months after the move, I was miserable. I missed home, even though it was right next door. 

But gradually this little old hundred plus year old house began to feel like it was exactly where I was supposed to be.  

What changed?  I think I did. My thinking about the bigger picture changed.  People would come in and comment how cozy and welcoming it felt here.  That felt right.  

But it's not all that.  Yes, we put our things here and we put our touch on every room.  It is a place we love to have our friends and family over.  

One day I realized every member of our family has lived in this house at one time or another. Even my mother-in-law and father-in-law at one time when we first got the house. I used to comment that I thought I would end up here, half joking!

Anyway life's not about where you live but where you're going when it's all over. Life is short and a lot of times we worry and fret about a lot of unimportant things. Because when it all comes down to it it's how have we lived our life, how have we loved, how have we given of ourself.

So for whatever time there is left I choose to be happy. I choose to help when I can, pray for all those who asked me for prayer, mind my own business and be happy.

If you drive by and see me sitting on the porch, give me a honk or a wave. Take care, and be happy. Till next time, Kellie. 

October prompts ~ learning about myself

  I realize that after retiring, I have a lot more time to recollect and think about things. I mean, before, there might have been a few min...